Left-Eye Productions is a documentary production company exploring social and historical moments in time through the voices of individuals. Our films also explore race, gender, aging and power, parenting and caregiving. Most recently we have made the short film "We are Hungry, We are Angry" which looks at issues of food security during Covid-19, and looks to find solutions in an inequitable food and governance system.


Left-Eye's films have been shot and screened across several continents and in festivals including the Berlinale, Hot Docs, Vision Du Reel, Encounters, Zanzibar and Seoul. The African Arts Institute Film Festival Audience Award was given to Angels on our shoulders and an earlier anti-xenophobia PSA won the MNet Vuka Grassroot Award. 


Our work is used in educational campaigns and training worldwide around migration and refugees, xenophobia, sexual and gender-based violence and environmental management. Current work is being used for the training of infant mental health workers as well as those working in the sustainability and food security sectors.


The recently launched film BECOMING: Three Infants Observed was launch during a virtual event. The film was viewed by over 1400 people from Singapore, through North and South America, Canda, western, central and eastern Europe, Southern Africa as well as New Zealand and Australia. Over 700 people attended the online panel discussion which brought together an international panel of psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and the filmmaker who shared their thoughts, experiences and reflections on the film.


Left-Eye's general approach is to work with very small crews creating the intimacy that allows audiences to really get to know the participant characters and their lives, while presenting issues of universal significance.


Our films present no easy answers and always ask of the viewer to sit with discomfort and to actively grapple with the content.


Andy Spitz produces, directs and shoots and Trish Urquhart produces. Sean Moloi has co-produced and is the regular sound recordist on productions. Tonia Selley has been the editor on almost all Left-Eye's films.                                                                          

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